The primary aim of Balkan Universities Association (BUA) is to determine a leading vision for the future through the universities, the libraries, the research centers in Balkan region on the base of common global values by considering the necessities of the time. Besides, forming up a scientific network in the areas of the language, the culture, the art, the history, the economy, the education and sports and caring out collaborative scientific works in these areas are aims of BUA. Thus, following objectives are determined:
- To improve an intercultural dialogue considering the importance of the region
- To form lasting and solid scientific cooperation from the past to the future
- To establish an association with universities that are active, acknowledged, followed and preferred in science and academic world on a global scale.
- To make joint scientific studies, researches and innovation works.
- To provide opportunities in methods, techniques and cooperation for increasing the efficiency of research and development activities.
- To organize common cultural, artistic and sportive activities
- To organize exchange programs for academic staff (such as Erasmus and Mevlana Exchange Programs)
- To organize exchange programs for students (such as Erasmus and Mevlana Exchange Programs)
- To conduct mutual accreditation process
- To organize joint diploma programs
- To organize education in Balkan Languages
- To form a communication network which will enable to exchange of knowledge among academicians
- To form virtual specialization reserves
- To prepare and conduct joint scientific research projects and to conduct their applications