Credits & Attendance


Attendance obligations in teaching activities (lectures, seminars, exercises, laboratories) are defined in the relevant study programs.

ØStudents have an obligation to attend 75% of educational activities of a discipline. In case of failure to this obligation, the student loses the right to enter the exam for this term and on the record of the exam is written “Do not pass”. This note is accompanied by continuous evaluation scores, which students carry on reset exams.

ØA student who attends fewer than 50% of the required classes for each form of teaching (lecture, seminar, exercises, laboratories) is announced unclassified and is not allowed to enter in any of the exam terms of that discipline and in the record of the exam or assignment is written “Not attended”. He must attend the course in the next academic year, he maybe a repeater in the respective year, or may carry this course for the following academic year.

Ø Based on the Regulation of Studies of the University “Fan S. Noli”- Article 58 Re-settling the exams, to pass in the second year (third semester) the student, who attends the studies in the full-time system, must have obtained a minimum of 20 credits. To move to the third year (fifth semester), the student who attends the studies in the full-time system must have obtained a minimum of 60 credits * (from the first and second year of the study program).

Everything else related to attendance, maintenance and completion of documentation, the tasks and responsibilities of the student, lecturer and teaching staff, are realized in accordance with the criteria and procedures set out in Regulation of Studies of the University “Fan S. Noli “.