ELISAA Project is financed by the European program EACEA (Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency) – “Tempus”. Its main aim is to build up a higher and vocational training in the agricultural sector as a result of the development of agro- industry in Albania, and this will be realised through an e-learning course which is focused on no-food uses of biomass (agricultural crops and residual biomass) in particular for the hypothesis of bio-fuels generations. The project provides the use of e-learning platform capable of managing classes in a comfortable way from home. In the framework of this project it is planned a qualification seminar in Bari (Italy) for 14 days (Autumn 2014).
- University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italia) Lead Partner Agricultural University of Tirana
- Polytechnic University of Tirana
- “Fan Noli” University
- AKTI (Agency for Research Technology and Innovation)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Fier
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Berat
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Durrës
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Lezhë
- Albanian Konfindustria
- UnionCamere Puglia- Tirana
- DYRECTA LAB S.r.l. (Italia)
- WU- Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Austria)
- Marie Curie- Sklodowska University of Lublin (Poland)
For registration, you can visit www.tempuselisaa.eu and fulfil the proper forms.