Project: Quality development of international cooperation and project management (QUADIC)

Project ID: 400609786

Call: EAC-A03-2018-CBHE

Period: 2019-2022

Project Leader: Universiteti Publik Kadri Zeka – UKZ

Project Partners: Universiteti i Prishtinës-University of Pristina; Universite Cote d’Azur; Technical University of Sofia; Universiteti i Mjekësisë, Tiranë, UMT/Medical University of Tirana; Univerza v Ljubljani – UL; Kolegji Heimerer shpk/Heimerer College; Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka”/“Haxhi Zeka” University; Universiteti “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durrës/“Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durrës; Universiteti i Mitrovices “Isa Boletini”/University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”; European Education Initiative/European University of Tirana UET; Universiteti Ndërkombëtar për Biznes dhe Teknologji UBT shpk/International University for Business and Technology; Universiteti “Fan S. Noli” Korçë – UNIKO; Universiteti “Eqrem Çabej” i Gjirokastrës – EÇUG; Universita per Stranieri di Perugia; Universiteti “Ukshin Hoti” – University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”; Universiteti i Gjakovës “Fehmi Agani”/University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”; International Business College Mitrovica – IBC-M.

The overall goal of this project is to improve higher education provision in Kosovo and Albania, by building institutional capacity for international relations whereby establishing or making fully functional respective offices (including capacity for project cycle management) in all nine Kosovo and five Albanian consortium members.

This project will build institutional capacity for the internationalization of HE in Kosovo and Albania, by improving capacity for project development and management through international expertise made available by European HEIs partnering in this project and exchange of good practice between the consortium members. This will make way for local higher education institutions to engage confidently in various academic and research cooperation initiatives in the region, in Europe and wider.

The aim of the project is establish and develop fourteen fully functional offices of international cooperation that will also include the function of project cycle management.

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