Staff Mobility


Outgoing staff

How to apply for an Erasmus+ Mobility for teaching/training at partner Universities.

A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

How to apply

In the frame of the Inter-institutional Agreement between partner Institutions, the International Relation Offices coordinate the mobility:

  1. Nominating staff
  2. Preparing the documents for application
  3. Sending the application from the IR Office

Documents for application:

1. Passport

2. Mobility Agreement teaching/training (in English) signed by the partner Universities

3. CV (Europass version in English language)

4. Language certificate (TOEFL/IELTS Level B2-C1, if applicable)

5. Employment certificate (if applicable))

6. Letter of consent (if applicable))

7. Letter of Support issued by the Host Institution (if applicable)

Step 2


1.    “Fan S. Noli” University nominate
students via Official e-mail/document.

2.       All nominees will receive
guidelines on how to apply online by submitting all requested documents.

3.       After the deadline of
applications, all applications will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ International
Coordinators. The Coordinators will evaluate the students’ academic
performance, their language level as well as their learning agreement.

4.       The Selection Committee will
decide who will be granted a mobility according to the criteria set and the
number of available mobilities per country.

5.     “Fan S. Noli” University will be
sent the list of selected and non-selected applicants.

Contact: MSc. Erjona Asabella, IR Office, Recorate Building



Incoming staff

How to apply for an Erasmus+ Mobility for teaching/training at UNIKO

A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1

How to apply

In the frame of the Inter-institutional Agreement between partner Institutions, the International Relation Offices coordinate the mobility:

  1. Nominating staff
  2. Preparing the documents for application
  3. Sending the application from the IR Office

Documents for application:

1. Passport

2. Mobility Agreement teaching/training (in English) signed by the partner Universities

3. CV (Europass version in English language)

4. Language certificate (TOEFL/IELTS Level B2-C1, if applicable)

5. Employment certificate (if applicable)

6. Letter of consent (if applicable)

7. Invitation Letter issued by UNIKO

Step 2


1.       Partner Universities will
nominate students via the e-nomination form.

2.       All nominees will receive
guidelines on how to apply by submitting all requested documents.

3.       After the deadline of
applications, all applications will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ International
Coordinators of our University. The Coordinators will evaluate the 
academic performance, their language level as well as their Teaching/Training agreement.

4.       The Selection Committee will
decide who will be granted a mobility according to the criteria set and the
number of available mobilities per country.

5.      Partner Universities will be sent the
list of selected and non-selected applicants.

Contact: MSc. Erjona Asabella, IR Office, Recorate Building
